(above photo of Bell at Pianos... more pictures of Bell HERE)
In preparing for our move over to http://earfarm.com (happening on Monday, June 16th!) I decided to take a look at all of the pictures I've taken thus far for EAR FARM and select some of my favorites. It wasn't easy - I've uploaded over 2900 photos (mostly live concert shots) to EAR FARM's Flickr page since October of 2006. But I managed to select about 200 of my favorite ones and put them in a nice little Flickr set that you can view HERE. Over time I'll be sure to continually add favorites to this set. As well, if you'd like to see these pics in a nice little slideshow, click on through to the other side where there's a lovely TV theme song waiting for you...
Listen: "Picture Pages Theme Song"
*above slideshow created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
11 June 2008
EAR FARM's Top Photos
Posted by
12:21 PM
Labels: EAR FARM, Live Shows, Photos
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i think i can see myself in one of these photos!
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