This is a re-post of EAR FARM's Top Albums Of 2007 list. Regular posting will resume Wednesday, the 2nd of January. Be sure to read the reader-decided 100th 8+ if you haven't already. Otherwise, have a look at EAR FARM's Tops of '07 Lists below and feel free to share your thoughts, criticisms, and/or your own lists.
Here's hoping you have a very happy New Year, and we'll see you in 2008!
What you'll find below is a list of our "top" 15 albums released in 2007. What does this mean? Favorites? Bests? Both, yes. These are the bests of our favorites. The most favorite-bests. We worked together as a team to come up with a list we both agreed on, fought and clawed for our favorites, and had to let go of some of them for the greater good. Ultimately, we're extremely pleased with the list we've come up with. So, after you check out the teaser list below, have a look at the big list inside by clicking through to continue reading/view comments. Once there, click the title of the album to purchase it, click the artist's name to go to their site, click the (+) to read what a variety of critics have to say, and click on the song name to listen to an MP3 from the respective album. As always, we welcome you to comment, complain, leave your own "tops of '07" list, or tag the comments to this post with graffiti.
EAR FARM's Top Albums Of 2007 #'s 15-11
15. Let's Stay Friends by Les Savy Fav
14. Red Album by Baroness
13. Marry Me by St. Vincent
12. Autumn of the Seraphs by Pinback
11. Eardrum by Talib Kweli
EAR FARM's Top 15 Albums Of 2007
15. Let's Stay Friends by Les Savy Fav (+) - listen: "Patty Lee"The real star of this album is guitarist Seth Jabour. Alternating between understated rhythms lurking at the back of the mix to insanely catchy lead lines dictating the entire direction of a given song, he gets my "Slash Award" for 2007. This isn't in recognition of technical virtuosity but rather for stuffing an entire album full of guitar parts that I can whistle along to from memory (except I can't whistle, so maybe just hum). Top to bottom, this is a really fun, uplifting, fist-pumping party album. - Mike
14. Red Album by Baroness (+) - listen: "The Birthing"Red Album is 2007's finest metal album and one I'm pretty sure you'd love if you only gave it a chance. I know, you scoff. You're ready to skip over this album because you don't need metal in your life. Oh but you do! And on this record Baroness has crafted an album that's just as heavy as it is ethereal, just as balls out riff-rocking as it is accessible. A metal album that's not very far off from what you might expect to hear from Isis, and yet entirely "Southern" and even partially "indie rock-ish". Huh? Trust me. For those about to rock, look no further. - Matt
13. Marry Me by St. Vincent (+) - listen: "Now Now"After spending time as a member of Sufjan Stevens' band and the Polyphonic Spree, Marry Me finds Annie Clark (St. Vincent) bursting into the music world like an excited child who's just returned from the zoo. While the record could've ended up sounding like an overly anxious artist's long awaited (messy) moment in the sun, Marry Me is anything but. Instead, it's a near-flawless debut and I can't wait for the follow up. - Matt
12. Autumn of the Seraphs by Pinback (+) - listen: "Good To Sea"When I heard grumblings that this was just like every other Pinback album I thought, "you mean it's filled with interlocking rhythms executed with swiss-clock precision beneath a bed of minor-chord hooks and twisting harmonies?", before leaving a vapor trail in my midst on the way to the record store. Knowing Rob Crow's tastes, if their last album was titled Summer in Abaddon and this one Autumn of the Seraphs, what are the odds their next one will be Winter in Middle Earth? - Mike
11. Eardrum by Talib Kweli (+) - listen: "The Perfect Beat (feat. KRS-One)"A two sided truth: I'm calling Eardrum 2007's best hip-hop album (yep, better than recent records from El-P and Pharaohe Monch) but it's possible that it could've been even better if Kweli (and his army of producers and guest stars) had been more stingy with the number of tracks included on the record. That's not to say there are bad songs dragging the album down, just that there was really no need to max out all 80 minutes on this CD by pumping it full of 20 tracks. It's perhaps the most disjointed and sprawling album on this list of great albums. So what I recommend is to split it in half, split it in thirds, listen to one song each day for the next three weeks - take it in in whatever way works for you, but whatever you do, don't miss it. The production and guest appearances are top notch and Kweli really goes above and beyond with his delivery/flow and, most of all, with his lyrics. The best in the business. - Matt
10. Strawberry Jam by Animal Collective (+) - listen: "Derek"As they've gotten more popular, the fidelity of Animal Collective albums has improved drastically. Listen to Spirit They're Gone, Spirit They've Vanished next to Strawberry Jam and the difference is startling. I always identified the lo-fi soupy sonics of their previous albums as just another signature element of their sound, and when the sparkling-clean production of Strawberry Jam power-washed these imperfections away, it left me a bit cold. BUT, coming back to this album recently I realized that all along I guess I secretly wanted their older albums to sound better and bigger to do their songs proper justice. Guess what? Strawberry Jam does just that, and the album cooks as a result. It's also perhaps their most accessible effort as well. - Mike
9. Fort Nightly by White Rabbits (+) - listen: "While We Go Dancing"We considered doing a nerdy list of best song sequences within albums, and for me that idea was partially born from listening to tracks 3-7 on Fort Nightly on continuous loop. And this isn't to suggest the album is front-loaded either, it's just THAT good. From songwriting and arrangements to instrumentation and delivery, this is an incredibly strong full-length debut. Good songs prevail. - Mike
8. All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone by Explosions In The Sky (+) - listen: "It's Natural To Be Afraid"I'm not a long-time fan of this band, but I know people who are. And I know they probably don't consider this the "best" album from Explosions In The Sky, but I'll tell you what: they're wrong. All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone is Explosions at their pinnacle, they've totally perfected their signature dramatic post-rock formula to create one of the most solid and complete works of art of any kind to come out in 2007. With tonal and melodic themes that seamlessly run throughout, it flows almost more like a symphony than a rock record. Listen to this alone, listen to it while driving, listen to it with headphones on, or listen on your stereo and wake up the neighbors. However you chose to experience this record, beware. Because if you let it, it will completely take over. - Matt
7. Friend Opportunity by Deerhoof (+) - listen: "The Perfect Me"Possibly better than The Runners Four, possibly Deerhoof's finest album, but not my favorite of theirs. It is, however, much better than most of the records released this year and has more than its fair share of fantastic/genius moments. - Matt
What a shame this was released way back in January. If they had pushed it to coincide with "blog awards season" like Oscar contenders do every fall, Friend Opportunity would probably be at the top of most lists, EAR FARM included (and c'mon, inclusion on these lists is comparable to winning an Oscar, right?). As it stands, this is just another run-of-the-mill Deerhoof album, meaning it's a kaleidoscopic cocktail of ingenious time shifts, starts, stops, freak-outs and childlike melodies that will knock you flat on your ass. I will always be anxiously awaiting whatever Deerhoof does next. - Mike
6. Friend And Foe by Menomena (+) - listen: "The Pelican"I've been told to check out this band in the past, I didn't listen. But for some reason one day at work I threw this album on and was hooked immediately. By what? By the rhythm and melody, rhythm... and melody. And also by the fact that this is one of the finest (pure) indie rock records I've heard since Funeral. Tops. And also, gotta love the sax work. - Matt
Two of my closest friends whose taste in music I will never question had been oohing and ahhhing about Menomena - and this album in particular - for quite some time. Late to the party as always (I also had cable tv taken away from me as a kid), the high expectations I already had for Friend And Foe increased even more upon nerding out to their incredible album art. So basically I was sold before I even pressed play. Turns out the album sounds incredible too. My friends are smart. - Mike
5. Person Pitch by Panda Bear (+) - listen: "Take Pills"Unlike most of the music dork world I didn't fall for this album in a big grand 'love at first listen' moment. I knew it was great, but I avoided overdoing it for the most part and took it in small doses. I'm glad for that. And though seeing Lennox perform (and by perform I mean ruin) Panda Bear material live nearly destroyed my appreciation of what he's accomplished here, it simply couldn't because the album is so damn good. - Matt
I must have listened to this for three weeks straight when it first came out. I listened to it in the car, on the subway, at my desk and even while watching NCAA March Madness (on mute) on television. Therefore, it's entirely my fault and not Noah Lennox's that Person Pitch gradually lost some of its magic as the year wore on. Listening to it again, traces of its original irresistible charm still come through, and if we were making this list according to how we felt upon first hearing an album this would no doubt be my numero uno. - Mike
4. Sky Blue Sky by Wilco (+) - listen: "You Are My Face"Whoa whoa whoa, what's with all the "dad-rock" hullabaloo surrounding this album? Really? Guess what? If this is "dad-rock" then fuel up my minivan and put socks under my Birkenstocks because it KICKS ASS. Yes, I too was head-over-heels in love with "experimental phase" Wilco and I kinda sorta feel your pain, but how did Sky Blue Sky become labeled as a simple, paint-by-numbers album? Tweedy may have traded in some of the overt weirdness of his previous two albums for a more coherent and band-oriented sound, but in doing so he managed to capture for the first time on record Wilco's standing as the tightest and most musically gifted rock band in America. - Mike
3. We Are Him by Angels Of Light (+) - listen: "We Are Him"We Are Him is the best album released in 2007 that nobody is talking about. It's exactly what I'd always hoped for when listening to other Angels Of Light records, what Michael Gira has always hinted at but never quite achieved. It's frightening, difficult, droning, hypnotic, intimate, sprawling, lonely, paranoid, communal, unique, confrontational, abrasive, beautiful, and perfect. It's a good step or ten darker than most Goth rock you'll find kids with black fingernails listening to - it's what The Doors must've sounded like in their peyote fueled dreams, hoping for a sound they never quite realized. It's like Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, but better. The song posted here is simply to offer you a taste; however, this is truly a record to be experienced as a whole. Like a great book, you must work through the album with patience and fortitude and get familiar with its landscape before it will really payoff. And when it does payoff (multiple times throughout the album), I'll betcha dollars to donuts that you end up agreeing with Gira's proclamation that he is, indeed, “the god of this fucking land”. - Matt
2. Boxer by The National (+) - listen: "Mistaken for Strangers"Alright, go ahead and check me in to hyperbolics anonymous. "Hi, my name is Matt and I like to exaggerate." Right? Oh wait, I haven't offered the proof yet. Here: Boxer is a perfect record. Yeah? Is that good enough? I've only said 'perfect' some 35 times in the last hour. So it seems. Actually, I've only said 'perfect' twice, but then my hyperbolic statement regarding how many times I've recently said the word 'perfect' should be proof enough that I've got an exaggerating problem. We all do. Look, I know it's not going to blow your mind when I tell you this, because it's being said in so many places, but what The National have achieved on Boxer is nothing short of a masterpiece. They one-upped themselves; no actually, they've plain and simply blown Alligator right out of the water. I tried my damnedest to not be one of the many who love this record, thinking that I might retain some fraction of individuality by doing so. How idiotic. You know what? You're right. Boxer is not as good as all of us weenies are saying... it's better. - Matt
I don't have quite the obsession that Matt does with this album and I attribute that to being a bit underwhelmed by seeing them live and having that taint Boxer just in the slightest. That being said, I still spun it on repeat for a 10-hour round-trip car ride and didn't even consider listening to anything else. This is like The Blob of 2007 albums. It slithers and oozes forth and seeps into you and wraps itself around you until you have no choice but to submit and be one with it. - Mike
1. In Rainbows by Radiohead (+) - listen: "House of Cards" + "Up On The Ladder" (from disc 2)Are you excited to read yet another yokel's opinons about In Rainbows? Gooood. I'll try to keep it somewhat short...and in doing so will go back to 1995. That year a new tradition started with The Bends in which I would try to buy every subsequent Radiohead album on the day of its release (including hunting down Kid A in Australia in 2000). That mini-streak ended with In Rainbows. Not only did I not "buy" it on its "release day", but I didn't even pay anything for it when I did get it. Charlatan! I know I know, let me explain. Having been disappointed all year with the efforts of other heavy-hitters (cough cough Arcade Fire) I couldn't bring myself to be let down by another big band's big release. Now, two months later I can breathe easy again. Isn't it nice and orderly when the best band in the world also delivers the best album of the year? It makes me think all is momentarily right. Now excuse me while I go redeem karma points by purchasing this on vinyl. - Mike
Okay computer, please don't let me mention how Mike needs to hurry up with buying In Rainbows on vinyl before the karma police come after him with knives out; because, I might be wrong but, that would be a bit of a let down for me to pun so poorly... shit, is this thing on? Damn. Remember how awful peoples' puns and references to Radiohead used to be back in the late '90s? I do. It was "ok computer this" and "karma police" that. Ugh. I remember. I also remember how good Pablo Honey was, how great The Bends was, how (here I go again) perfect Ok Computer and Kid A were, how great Amnesiac was, and how Hail To The Thief saw Radiohead (in my mind) return to just simply "pretty great". That's what happens when you set impossibly high standards as a band. Each time Radiohead drops an album I expect perfection, and while I'm not yet 100% sure that In Rainbows is "better" than Boxer, I WILL be sure in mere minutes when I open this package sitting in front of me and finally get to hear this sucker on vinyl with headphones on. UPDATE: No joke, I'm writing this now an hour and a half later. Today I received my special edition In Rainbows box set (all kinds of awesome artwork and packaging along with the album on vinyl (2 discs) and a bonus CD of b-sides) in the mail and it turns out that it was worth the wait, and worth every penny I paid for it. In Rainbows, on vinyl, with proper headphones on, my goodness. Also, disc 2 contains at least four tracks well worth checking out. As a test subject in the great Radiohead marketing/distribution experiment of 2007 I must say that I'm completely satisfied on all levels. But most importantly, the music... In 2007 Radiohead proved, once again, that they're simply in a league of their own. - Matt
And there you have it. EAR FARM's Top 15 Albums of 2007. Sure, the top two spots might not have shocked anyone, but when there are albums out there as good as Boxer and In Rainbows, what do you expect? That we ignore the truth and force something else into the top spot just to be different? Yes? Okay, well maybe next year. For now you'll have to deal with the list above. Or, if you're still thirsty for even MORE list action, check out the extra bonus lists below.
Beyond that - now it's your turn. Go ahead and offer up your criticisms and questions and name calling and all the whatever you call it... Mostly we'd like to see YOUR "tops of '07" lists, or links to your lists elsewhere, or whatever else you've got for us - so let us have it/them. And, as always, thanks for reading.
10 albums (5 from each of us) that nearly made EAR FARM's top 15
5. Dandelion Gum by Black Moth Super Rainbow - From the first note this album pulls you, floating and weightless, past tangerine trees and marmalade skies as if you're a character in one of Timothy Leary's dreams. My God, the SYNTHS! - Matt
- Listen: "They Live In the Meadow"
- Listen: "Tasmanian Pain Coaster"
- Listen: "Raver"
- Listen: "Black Bubblegum"
5. Armchair Apocrypha by Andrew Bird - Haunting, shimmering, contemplative, dramatic, and just out-and-out purrty. This album really surprised me and is certainly worthy of all the hype and praise it's received. - Mike
- Listen: "Imitosis"
- Listen: "Green Fields"
- Listen: "Plus Ones"
- Listen: "Maker Make"
- Listen: "The Mending of the Gown"
EAR FARM's Top 7 EPs Of 2007
Arizona - Frameseeker and the Mono
British Sea Power - Krankenhaus?
Dead Confederate - Dead Confederate
Goes Cube - Beckon The Dagger God
Grizzly Bear - Friend EP
The Muggabears - Night Choreography
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - IS IS
10 albums that just aren't our thing, no matter how good everyone else says they are
Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
Beirut - The Flying Cub Cup
Dan Deacon - Spiderman Of The Rings
Deerhunter - Cryptograms
Dirty Projectors - Rise Above
Justice - †
Miranda Lambert - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
LCD Soundsystem - Sound Of Silver
Modest Mouse - We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank
Kanye West - Graduation
10 albums from this year that let us down
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Art Brut - It's A Bit Complicated
Band Of Horses - Cease To Begin
Brakes - The Beatific Visions
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Some Loud Thunder
Dungen - Tio Bitar
PJ Harvey - White Chalk
Liars - Liars
Of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?
Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
15 artists whose 2008 album we're really excited about
Ambulance LTD.
The Breeders
British Sea Power
Built To Spill
The Cure
Goes Cube
Guns N' Roses (nudge nudge wink wink)
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks
Nine Inch Nails
The Secret Life of Sofia
Silver Jews
Tapes 'n Tapes
Wolf Parade
See also:
- EAR FARM's Top 8+ Posts Of 2007
- EAR FARM's Top Songs Of 2007
- EAR FARM's Top Ten Bands To Emerge in 2007 & Ten To Watch Out For in 2008
- EAR FARM's Top Concerts of 2007
Great list as usual. Interesting and good to see that you've wiped some of your first impressions.
Tio Bitar....that f@cker's too scared to let melody carry a song. I do like the song Familj a lot though. A LOT!!
its aaall about deerhoof. could or should have been the "break out" album.
I like the list overall, but that section of 10 albums you guys aren't feeling is full of some fantastic albums. Maybe a second listen is due? Or maybe you're sick of people preaching their greatness?
Nice comprehensive list. I kinda agree with you about Neon Bible (although it did make my "Best of 2007" ). It's hard not to be "let down" in comparison to Funeral but I think it has alot of merit on it's own. I'd like to be "let down" like that more often.
I think the biggest difference between Funeral and Neon Bible is that the former's heartfelt urgency/despair/pure emotion isn't quite the same in the latter. It's a little more affected. Funeral has astounding energy. Those recordings are goddamn precious. To this day, that album still amazes me in that respect. And it's absolutely and undeniably innocent. Given the painful year they had prior to recording Funeral, it's understandable that that kind of pure emotion couldn't be replicated. But yeah, that's why people like Springstein come to mind with the new album...Neon feels more like a show. It's theatrical now and not as earnest. "Exaggerated" is not the right word, but I think it's a word that hints at why the new album falls short, at least in comparison to Funeral.
I really like Boxer but get lost a little bit with some of what I think are the underwhelming tracks. "Squalor Victoria" and "Brainy"....I'm looking in your direction. Still a really good record but I couldln't put it on my best of for those reasons. I thought Strawberry Jam was a bit of a letdown as well when compared to their last album.
Wow. you're not excited about my bloody valentine's 2008 release??
Clik here and help me to win a greek competition!!! More clicks more chances to win! You can click me one time per day... If i win i ll have 600 euros to spend for christmas. Thank you very very much!!! Kisses from Athens! Jimmy.
I agree on "Neon Bible" and I'm glad someone is saying what I felt all year about that album. It just didn't suck me in the way "Funeral" did but I was a good sheep and kept my mouth shut.
I'm not just saying this because I'm a die-hard Mancino fan but "Manners Matter" is easily on my top 10 Albums/LPs of the year. From start to finish it's a fantastic record that even my 60-year old parents were able to get into. From the danceable "Hetchie Hutchie" to the haunting "Lavendar Lake", it was a complete effort that helped me turn many of my friends onto the misters. It will certainly threaten "Weezer Blue Album" for longest tenure in my 5-disc changer.
Keep up the good work guys!
WOW, what do you guys think of the Pitchfork list? it kinda waaaay sucks methinks.
they left off a TON of great albums in favor of a bunch of BS!
no St. Vincent, Menomena, Wilco, or Explosions?! WTF I HATE YOU PFORK!!!!!!!!
A fine, fine list . . . and, you really nailed the sheer ridiculousness of the "dad-rock" comments regarding Sky Blue Sky.
I thought long underrated band the Coral's 'Roots and Echoes' should have gotten more attention. I am excited to see you included British Sea Power's name up there!
I also agree with Pat, your less favorable albums were some of my faves. Maybe he's right about 'people preaching their greatness'? Happy New Year.
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