Those Damn Twins are a duo originally from Raleigh, NC (like me, woot woot) who've since moved to Seattle, WA where they twin it up by making lovely and interesting and haunting music likely to please indie art scenesters thirsty for a break from Starbucks Hear Music.
Alright, not scenesters per se but those who enjoy indie art. Art that's not what you see when you walk into the doctor's office. Art with balls. No, I mean guts. Art that takes a chance. Something. Something not meant to masculinize the art I speak of but rather meant to make a clear distinction. What I mean is that the people who hang art like this on their walls might want to move on and check out some other website but people with a brain open to sounds that dare to tap dance around familiar while never quite settling in a comfortable place, those people should give Those Damn Twins a listen.
Hey, it might take a flexible ear to get into their music at first because the lyrics, atonal nature (at times), and song structures tend more towards hypnotic meditation than they do happy dance time; but then, that might be just your thing. Fans of Magnetic Fields, Mazzy Star, and that sense of adventure that drove bands like Cabaret Voltaire, will find much to like in the music of Those Damn Twins. I've selected two songs of theirs below: the Exile in Guyville era Liz Phair meets Aarktica sounding lullaby goodness of "Polar Bear" and the country drone extraordinaire "The Red One". I suggest you listen to them back to back as Those Damn Twins intended. And, if you're in Seattle, check 'em out in person sometime. Word is they put on a good show.
"Polar Bear"
"The Red One"
Visit Those Damn Twins on MySpace.
12 January 2007
Those Damn Twins
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2:45 PM
Labels: Those Damn Twins
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if that was a dig or a compliment it was really confusing and i don't understand it
meh, I don't know about this music. but then I can't say that can I? because you already said I'd feel that way. clever Earfarm, very clever
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