When I say "top" songs of 2007, you're thinking what? "Umbrella" and "All My Friends" and "1234" and "D.A.N.C.E."? Yaaawn! No, don't get me wrong, those are all excellent songs. Great songs that 2007 will be remembered for, you're right. But EAR FARM isn't so much about charting good popular music as it is about telling you what we think is great, as filtered through our own personal taste. The songs that ruled EAR FARM's world in 2007. So, click on through and view/listen to the full list of EAR FARM's Top Songs Of 2007. There are two lists, 15 songs each. And this time, they're RANKED. Go ahead, yell at us about where things are ranked, what we included/left off, in the comments.
EAR FARM Matt's Top 15 Songs of 2007
15. "Dear Darkness" by PJ Harvey - White Chalk, PJ Harvey's journey into a lighter shade of darkness (minus the rocking guitars, substitute piano), didn't knock me off my feet as a whole. This one song, however, did.
14. "My Punishment For Fighting" by The Rosebuds - This song is a 2007 heterosexual version of "Careless Whisper," which just happens to be a lifelong favorite of mine. Oh the vocals - the lyrics - the emoting!
13. "Atom" by British Sea Power - sometimes a band wakes up from brief hibernation and blasts out a song or two just to stretch out a bit and remind themselves how to return to form. This is British Sea Power doing precisely that. And doing it well.
12. "Sirens" by Dizzee Rascal - if flow, rhymes, inventiveness, giving respect to those who came before you, and just plain having dope skillz are all measures of a proper MC, then this song is what I offer as proof that Dizzee Rascal is one helluva rapper.
11. "The Perfect Me" by Deerhoof - meet me, meet me, meet the perfect Deerhoof song to play for your friends who "don't get it".
10. "Bushels" by Frog Eyes - an epic, this song floors me. An overused phrase, but I'm seriously typing from my floor right now.
9. "Goes Cube Song 46" by Goes Cube - If Goes Cube was hit by a truck and was lying out there in that gutter dying and they had time to sing one song that people would remember before they're dirt, one song that would let God know how they felt about their time here on Earth, one song that would sum them up - I'd tell them to play this one. At least, of what they've released at the moment...
8. "In Our Talons" by Bowerbirds - this song is captivating from the very first thump of the bass drum. By the time they proclaim "you're in our talons now and we're never letting go" I find myself feeling relieved. From the sounds of this one song, there's nearly no place I'd rather be.
7. "No Cars Go" by The Arcade Fire - An earlier version of this was released on their EP from 2003, so is it cheating to include it here? Bah. This version is better, gives me chills somewhere around the 4:33 mark, and happens to be the best song from Neon Bible.
6. "Down Boy" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs - On each and every release from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs there is a song that makes me move my head and hand very deliberately as if I'm on stage - makes me feel like I just might be Karen O. Which, I mean to say, is awesome. Anyway, this is one of those songs.
5. "Plaster Casts Of Everything" by Liars - droning and thrashing, echoing with reverberated chaos, shifting, yet under control. This won't win any awards for poetic lyricism, but it sure does get me going.
4. "He Hit Me" by Grizzly Bear - my, what beautiful brilliance. I could attempt to describe it, but I don't want to. I want you to listen to this - alone - very loudly.
3. "It's Natural To Be Afraid" by Explosions In The Sky - thirteen minutes and twenty seven seconds of Explosions In The Sky at their best. I've spent hours this year listening to this one song. 'Nuff said.
2. "Mistaken For Strangers" by The National - why is this a PERFECT song? Because it just is. And, because I identify with the lyrics. A potent combo that.
1. "Atlas" by Battles - what is this? Did the Chipmunks discover math-rock, metal, jazz, odd time signatures, electronica, high positioning of crash cymbals, and psychedelics (or something) all at once and then cut the top track of 2007 as a result? Yep. Call me mental, but I love it so damn much. Still.
EAR FARM Mike's Top 15 Songs of 2007
15. "Love Song No. 7" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Textbook sophomore slump or misunderstood artistic statement? Dunno, but if Some Loud Thunder had a few more songs like this it might have actually shown up on more year-end lists.
14. "When the Other Foot Drops, Uncle" by Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings - The transition that takes place here at 2:24 is one of my favorite musical moments of the year. And aren't these lists all about hyperbole?
13. "While We Go Dancing" by White Rabbits - This slot could have gone to about five different songs from Fort Nightly. This happens to be the one that stays in my head the most.
12. "You Are My Face" by Wilco - So what if it's in a Volkswagen commercial? Wanna fight?
11. "Carbon Dating" by Super Furry Animals - SFA just keep bringing it with every album. This song is absolutely gorgeous, the prettiest of the year perhaps.
10. "War Hero" by Antibalas - This song has it all. Amazing rhythms, ace musicianship, clever melodies, call-and-response vocals....wow.
9. "Don't You Evah" by Spoon - Being introduced to this song live elevated it from a great song to an instant classic. Thanks Britt.
8. "Patty Lee" by Les Savy Fav - I don't know if I could hang with Tim Harrington, but this song makes me wanna try.
7. "The Mending of the Gown" by Sunset Rubdown - I can picture the intro to this playing repeatedly inside Tracy Morgan's head. Isn't that enough?
6. "Brainy" by The National - Everyone's all "this album is a creeper" and "watch out, it'll creep up on you" and I'm like "I can make my own mistakes, thanks!" Whoa, it just creeped up on me, wasn't expecting that. Brainy brainy brainy!
5. "Heimdelsgate Like a Promethean Curse" by Of Montreal - Tastes great. Less filling. Catchy as hell.
4. "Take Pills" by Panda Bear - See no. 5. Oh, and isn't it weird how all these songs about medication are the catchiest?
3. "House of Cards" by Radiohead - Thank you thank you thank you for deciding to privilege melody once again guys.
2. "Derek" by Animal Collective - What do you get when you cross the riff from the opening credits of True Romance with sing-song melodies and tribal drumming? A very happy Mike.
1. "Good To Sea" by Pinback - The best song of the year is also the best pop song of the year too, straight up candy-coated bubblegum bliss. Take that Rihanna.
See also:
- EAR FARM's Top Ten Bands To Emerge in 2007 & Ten To Watch Out For in 2008
- EAR FARM's Top Concerts of 2007
EAR FARM's Top 8+s Of 2007
12 December 2007
EAR FARM's Top Songs Of 2007
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well-thought lists, guys. i guess i need to check out pinback- i've never even given them a chance. was i mistaking them for nickelback? yikes, i need to recognize.
one of my favorites from this year also comes from the deerhoof album, cast off crown. the melancholy in greg's voice is beautiful. plus, it packs in quite a complex punch in less than 3 minutes.
solid lists, and interestingly different
though Umbrella DOES belong on one of them
Matt you're crazy or stupid if you think that Bowerbirds or Goes Cubes songs are better than Frog Eyes or Deerhoof.
is dead
and also truth, they're numbers get over it
boy I sure read my EF well.
Greeting from Mexico, an invite to my blog www.noisejunkie.blogspot.com
Love that Antibalas!
Jesus christ, "Umbrella" is such a nauseating song. I really can't think of a better way to describe it. Her voice, the repetition, god damn. It makes me feel like I'm stuck in a crowded subway car at rush hour after a long shitty day at work.
"Don't You Evah" wasn't written by Spoon. The Natural History broke up before releasing it, unfortunately. But give Spoon credit for doing such a great job with it.
"'Don't You Evah' wasn't written by Spoon. The Natural History broke up before releasing it, unfortunately."
Indeed. And that is well worth mentioning, though we weren't claiming it to have been written by Spoon... in fact, it's not the only cover song on this list ("He Hit Me" was originally a song by The Crystals).
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If you are looking for European escorts Bestescort4U is the best place in London
London escort agency which provides genuine female escort models in Central London area
Beautiful escorts can be found at Elite Club International. Elite Club International is an elite escort agency operating mostly in Dubai and London.
Bunny Planet is an Exclusive Online Gentlemen's Club filled with Adult Stars, Adult Entertainers, Centerfolds and Erotic Models who want to meet you in person now!
We are a Central London agency with many of girls exclusive to London Japanese Paradise.
Adoras Models is an escort agency in London where you can find the beautiful and exclusive London escorts. Adoras Models prides itself in running a honest and efficient London escort agency.
London Asian Escorts is an Asian and Oriental escort agency operating in Central London. The agency provides escort service for a true gentlemen.
Escort of London agency a well-established and respected agency. We have a great selection of girls in London for your pleasure.
Only Pleasures is a well established and respected London escort agency. We are pride of ourselves on having the most exquisite selection of escort girls in London for your pleasure…
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