Some snooping around on the internets has yielded two pieces of welcome info for all of us RATHER RIPPED and DIRTY with GOO in desperate need of a WASHING MACHINE somewhere on MURRAY STREET and okay okay I'll stop, sorry.
Firstly, Twisted Ear (no affiliation) has reported that Sonic Youth will begin writing their new album this spring with the hopes of releasing it early next year. In the piece, Thurston Moore is quoted as saying, "We haven’t gotten together in about four months, we’ve been taking a nice sort of break, which is good. I’ve been actually able to escape into the basement. We’re going to Australia next week for about two weeks then we’ll come back and start writing."
Second, New York Magazine's Vulture blog picked up another scoop from Moore during Fashion Week, in which he told them that the band is launching an art show that will stop in several cities. More Moore words: "We're putting together this museum show that's utilizing all the artists that we've worked with on different covers and concepts, and that's going to happen for two or three years."
The rumored New York location is the Whitney. Hot dog. In celebration of this news, EF has put together a little picture show (with mood music) of some of our favorite Sonic Youth album covers (excluding compilations, solo outings, one-offs etc) with credit info to give you all a little taste of what to expect when this exhibit touches down. Visually, my personal favorite has always been Murray Street. And you? Anyway, check them out after the jump...

Listen: "Disconnection Notice"
my personal favorite has always been Daydream Nation. an obvious choice, really, since the artist whose work they used for it (Gerhard Richter) is my favorite living artist.
maybe even my favorite artist ever.
My favourite's always been Goo. It's got a low-budget, independent look about it, even though it was their first major label release.
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