I was lucky enough to be given today and tomorrow off from work. As a result, I'm not going to spend this time writing anything new for EAR FARM. No, there won't even be a new 8+ this week. Instead, I'd like to take a quick look back at some of my most favorite 8+ posts, as well as those written by other people. Hopefully this is a great way for you to read some 8+ posts from the past you may have missed and/or for you to let me know what have been some of your favorites. Things will return to normal next week. As for this week, if you'd like to dance and drink and have party-party fun times in Brooklyn with DJ Earfarm, come out to the Neon Lights show tomorrow night at Union Hall where I'll be squaring off in a DJ battle against Danny from The Big Sleep.
EAR FARM's 8+ Greatest Hits:
Gioachino Rossini - "La gazza ladra (The Thieving Magpie)"
Clan of Xymox - "A Day (Remix)"
Pulp - "Seductive Barry"
Pelican - "March to the Sea"
Morrissey - "Southpaw"
Slint - "Washer"
Jesu - "Weightless and Horizontal"
Aphex Twin - "Ziggomatic V17"
Explosions In The Sky - "It's Natural To Be Afraid"
The Velvet Underground - "The Gift"
Joanna Newsom - "Monkey & Bear"
Depeche Mode - "Never Let Me Down Again" (Split Mix)
Alex Skolnick Trio - "War Pigs"
The Human League - "Morale... / You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'"
Suicide - “Frankie Teardrop"
Grateful Dead - “Terrapin Station"
Deodato - “Also Sprach Zarathustra"
Suede - “The Asphalt World"
Rush - “2112"
Bob Marley & The Wailers - “Exodus” (1984 12" Mix)
Aarktica - “Song For A Free Williamsburg”
Newcleus - “Jam On It”
DJ Shadow - "Napalm Brain/Scatter Brain"
George Michael - "I Want Your Sex, Pts. 1 &2"
New Order - "Temptation"
EAR FARM's 8+ posts written by guest writers:
The Fiery Furnaces - “Inspector Blancheflower”
Tori Amos - "Yes, Anastasia"
Boduf Songs - “Bell for Harness”
Boris - "Flood"
Guns N' Roses - "Locomotive"
Guns N' Roses - "Estranged"
Guns N' Roses - "Coma"
Guns N' Roses - "November Rain"
Red House Painters - “River"
Bark Psychosis - “All Different Things"
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - “Cowgirl in the Sand”
Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks - "1% Of One"
Yo La Tengo - "Let's Be Still"
To see a full list of every song featured in EAR FARM's 8+ click HERE.
05 July 2007
8+ rewind
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2:50 PM
Labels: 8+
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What about Television's Marquee Moon and Little Johnny Jewel? Textbook 8+ material.
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