01 March 2006

EAR FARM makeover


Starting today you'll notice a few changes on EAR FARM. The big one is that my friend Jonathan designed two new banners for EAR FARM and you'll see them up above. They'll be alternating with the original EAR FARM banner that I designed so reload the page a few times to check out the new banners.
Aren't they SWEET??
Now, I wouldn't mind some of you guys sending other potential designs to include here in EAR FARM's alternating banner thang so if you're into trying to design a little something for EAR FARM, have at it! The only rule - just be sure it's the same size as the three banners currently being used. If it's something I like I'll throw your design in the rotation and give you some credit and many thanks and what-not.

Next, you'll see that I've changed things around a bit on the right sidebar. In the "Reference Section" you'll find EAR FARM's top albums of 2005, an interview with me (in case you want to know what my first concert was or something), a link to the most recent post highlighting bands featured on EF thus far, and links to the most recent posts from the three current weekly EAR FARM features. Then you'll find sections devoted to my favorite records released so far this year, a list of upcoming shows that I already have tickets to (this excludes all small venue shows that I'll be going to), a list of the blogs nominated for the same Bloggie Award that EAR FARM was, and links to my favorite sites (some of which are new additions). I plan to try and update this sidebar once a week, or so, so that everything stays current over there.

That's about it for now, but stay tuned because I've got some ideas for future changes and features here. Any comments/suggestions on the new look and banners is welcome and thanks so very much for reading!

- Matt


Anonymous said...

very nice, very nice! looking good earfarm!

Tim Young said...

Yup. Love the new banners. Is there a 'green theme'??

Kyle said...

impressed by the new look. professional, yet whimsical. quality.

Anonymous said...

i like it!

Anonymous said...

sweet banners. my favorite is the pic of the ear+just the word "farm".